In which I make delightful chocolate pecan macarons that bear a striking resemblance to tiny elephan
There are a few things I just won't do, and I was reminded of these things during a Facebook conversation I had with one of my FB...

In which I definitively prove that a cinnamon couronne is better than meth.
I’m a stoical person; I don’t get excited about much, and I like it that way. Excitement is often loud, and loud things irritate me in...

In which I get funky with freeze-dried raspberries and like it.
My husband gave me Paul Hollywood's Bread cookbook for my birthday in March, and I've been fascinated with the white chocolate and...

In which I (malted) tart it up real nice.
My mother truly loves malted chocolate milk, so I've intended to make the malted chocolate tarts included in the Great British Bake Off...

In which I triumph over cinnamon jumble loaves but in a humble way, like how Jon Snow would.
I may or may not have been watching Game of Thrones when I started this blog entry. And, by "watching," I mean staring at a television...

In which I make delightful focaccia and then completely forget about it.
Poor focaccia. It's like the middle child in a family of seven siblings that never gets any attention. I admit that I am responsible for...

In which I lose my job but gain a Caribbean cake.
So, at the end of March, I was made redundant at my job. I was laid off. I was given the ol' heave-ho AND the boot. I was definitively...

In which I anger the gods of sugar and butter and pay dearly for my transgressions.
On Friday, I was dying to make a type of French pastry called kouign amann (pronounced Queen Aman, short a sound). It's a Paul Hollywood...

In which I successfully engage in the GORGEOUS ALCHEMY known as croissant-making.
A couple of weeks ago, I was complaining on Twitter about writer's block. I'm super familiar with writer's block. I teach many ways to...

March is like childbirth. I forget how painful it is every year and look forward to it, only to be rudely reminded every. time. how...